[time-nuts] Maxim DS3232 and I2C

Scott Newell newell+timenuts at n5tnl.com
Sat Feb 15 16:43:44 UTC 2014

At 04:20 PM 2/14/2014, d0ct0r wrote:
>hours is the same, but seconds and minutes has changed. Is there any 
>method to read all three values (HH:MM:SS) by one single requests ? 
>Or is there any other workaround for this issue ? Or it is not issue 
>at all ? Thanks !

Sure, read multiple registers (0-2 to get seconds, minutes, and 
hours) in one IIC transaction. The chip will even help you out, as 
according to the datasheet:

"When reading or writing the time and date registers, sec-
ondary (user) buffers are used to prevent errors when
the internal registers update. When reading the time and
date registers, the user buffers are synchronized to the
internal registers on any START and when the register
pointer rolls over to zero. The time information is read
from these secondary registers, while the clock contin-
ues to run. This eliminates the need to reread the regis-
ters in case the main registers update during a read."

newell  N5TNL

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