[time-nuts] Preprogrammed fixed-frequency relatively lower noise oscillator chip

Jeff Blaine KeepWalking188 at ac0c.com
Sat Dec 4 18:31:02 UTC 2021

I'm wondering what the modern version of a fixed-frequency oscillator 
module is.

I had used the Silicon Labs (now Skyworks) Si570 in the past which has a 
great close-in noise footprint - but that requires I2C and some glue.  
The Seiko distributor-programmable type of generic parts are 
functionally ideal - comes preprogrammed and requires minimal 
connections to function - but they have miserable close in noise 
characteristics.  I realize that "miserable" here is subjective of course.

The project at hand is a single frequency oscillator to serve as a LO in 
a receiver.  The noise profile I'm looking for would be in the range of 
"better than the generic PLL type $5 oscillators" and "not as good as 
the modern equivalent to the Si570 & similar."  Absolutely non-critical 
but the Seiko part in there now looks terrible starting to flatten out 
at -40 dBc a Khz or so spaced.

This answer seemed (from my recollection) easy to find back in the early 
2010s when I had messed with it last.  Then Abercon had some decent 
offerings - but that is a long time ago in Electronics Progress Time scale.

Appreciate any advice.


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