No subject

Tue Dec 14 22:32:09 UTC 2021

are short (hours) changes when a fiber gets cut or a router gets busted.  
There are long term changes as people add fibers and/or change business deals.

There are some cases where a stable routing will produce 2 answers: x% of the 
packets will be slightly faster/slower than most of them.  I think what's 
going on is that the routers are doing load sharing on multiple paths, hashing 
on the address+port.  Or something like that.  So it's a roll of the dice 
which path you get.


I'm in California.

NIST has NTP servers at 3 locations in the Boulder CO area: NIST, WWV, and 
Univ of Colorado.  (Google maps says WWV is 60 miles north of Bouler.  Univ of 
Colorado is a few miles from NIST.)

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