[time-nuts] Re: in-ground clock room

Hendrik don_hendi at gmx.de
Fri Sep 10 08:21:01 UTC 2021

Hello Tom,

go to ebay and get a cheap geophone. Attach a resistor in parallel acc.
datasheet, and use a data logger (simple: HX711 weigh scale ADC plus two
resistors to fake a bridge circuit, arduino for interrogation and
logging to PC) and you will have knowledge about the short-term events
at your location.

You might gain enough knowledge to be able to compensate for the
movements by postprocessing.

Or, nut-conorm, you might put your clocks and the geophone on a table
which rests on, say, elastomer in parallel to a voice coil actuator,
applying some control theory magic, have the arduino (or something
analog or a mix) use the geophone feedback for the voice coil to keep
the table aligned.



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