No subject

Thu Dec 8 14:32:08 UTC 2022

the insides of the 10811. They also did not have a need to do so. Their task was simple. All
that was required was to put a “blanket” over the device to make it warm up from a colder
temperature. Once that warmup was done, their heater stoped doing anything useful.

Since it was not designed to improve the stability of the OCXO, leaving it turned off will 
not degrade the stability. 


> On Dec 8, 2022, at 1:30 AM, ed breya via time-nuts <time-nuts at> wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> Can you please be more specific about this? I have a Z3801A project, and have always assumed the double-oven is a good thing. If it's actually detrimental, then I'd like to know more. I searched a bit in this direction, but found nothing to support this view. If it's actually bad, then I can delete it with a pull of a connector. It's a great simplification if true.
> Reference message:
> "On a true double oven. The outer oven improves stability. It is set up along with the inner oven
> and the design is optimized for both ovens. That’s not at all the case with this oven. It’s just a
> warmup heater. It actually makes the stability of the device worse in most cases. Yes that sounds
> crazy. For all the deep math and examples of just *why* this is true …. head over to Rick’s set
> of papers. It’s all in there ….."
> Ed
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