[time-nuts] Re: time interval measurement on SR620

Mete Balci metebalci at gmail.com
Thu Mar 3 14:16:33 UTC 2022

Thanks Bob. I was also thinking something similar but on the SRS pdf I
mentioned (high res. freq. measurements), it also mentions Allan variance
and as an example the noise floor data is collected also with a sample size
of 1000. The setup is not like I mentioned but normal ChA/start ChB/stop
driven from the same source but with REF OUT as EXT trigger and I guess
because REF OUT is 1kHz, sample size is set to 1000 to get 1 sample per

I also wonder if there is no effect of converting 10MHz to 1 PPS in order
to measure Allan variance (when the reference is GPSDO PPS). Isnt it at
least conceptually the same thing if not exactly the same (that it
eliminates the variations in a 10MHz signal) ?


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