[time-nuts] Sulzer OCXOs for sale

John Ackermann N8UR jra at febo.com
Mon Aug 14 17:54:32 UTC 2023

I need to make room in the lab and shift from "collecting" to "using" 
the things I have.  As a start, I've reluctantly decided to find new 
homes for my stable of Sulzer OCXO frequency standards.  I have three 
units with remarkably good performance after 60 years (ADEV floors 
<5e-13) and one that works but has a problem, likely with its 
temperature regulation.  I also have two Sulzer power supplies and two 
rack panels, each with cutouts for two units.

Performance plots and other info are at:

There's not a lot of recent sales history to go on, so the prices shown 
on the web page are a SWAG and I'm open to discussion.  Please contact 
me if you're interested at jra at febo period com.


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