[time-nuts] Re: HP 10811-60111 Oscillators

Bob Camp kb8tq at n1k.org
Tue Jan 10 13:57:49 UTC 2023


There’s a seller on eBay ( besttestus ) who comes up with batches of 10811’s from who 
knows where. Some are still attached to option boards for instruments. They just sold out 
of the latest batch of about 200 or so. I’d guess they will get some back in eventually. 
Asking price is typically right around $50 or so (with free shipping). They take offers so 
you can indeed get them to sell you 10 at a whack for around $42 each. 

Based on testing more than a few of them, there will be a couple that have significant 
issues ( < 5%). There will be some that are in spec, but not by as much as when they 
left the factory ( maybe another 5 %). The rest split into “pretty good” and “really good”.

The fact that the really good ones are still in the group suggests that these are indeed
NOS or something like that. A lot of batches you see have the best of the best pulled out
and you are just buying “the rest”. I’d guess that Fair is in the same mode, you get the
whole lot and can sort time as you wish. 

Just how many show up in the sub 6x10^-13 ADEV range varies a bit by lot. To me,
anything that’s in the parts in 10^-13 counts as very good. How many would improve
if you burned them in for six months or so, who knows…. 

Bottom line: You probably do better buying closer to the source of the surplus in a
case like this. 


> On Jan 9, 2023, at 4:18 PM, DM via time-nuts <time-nuts at lists.febo.com> wrote:
> To All, 
> Just a quick heads-up to anyone who might be needing, or just want one for fiddling with, Fair Radio Sales has a fair stock and a pretty good price for the HP 10811-60111 ovenized oscillators (https://fairradio.com/product/10811-60111/) . They are selling them (including the 05328-20027 support assembly) for US $79.00 each. 
> Both I have bought two of them and both arrived in like new condition, and were fully operational, and required only minor tweaking to bring them to 10.0000000 MHz after running for a couple of months. The attached 05328-20027 support board indicates that they were removed from the HP 5328A or 5328B counters. 
> Seems to be a pretty good deal for these well-aged oscillators. 
> BTW, Fair Radio is also offering the 10544A oscillators for US $69.00. Both are described as "Tested for output may need adjustment." 
> Cheers, 
> DaveM 
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