[time-nuts] Re: MHM-A1 maser temperature stabilization

Bob Camp kb8tq at n1k.org
Wed Jan 18 16:56:29 UTC 2023


Ok, here’s some numbers:

In the original example, the box heats 4C with 100W of power. 

Each degree of “damping” means you have done something with 25W of power.

If we want to turn a 2C room swing into a 1C box swing, we “damp” 1C.

We started out talking about 24 hours so let’s go with that first

25 W over 24 hours is 24 * 60 * 60 * 25 = 2.16x10^6 Joules. 

My mass rises 1 degree when you put 2.16 MJ into it. 

If I use concrete at 880 J / (KG-K), that gets me to 2,454 KG 
(there’s a range of about 750 to 960 depending on this or that)

If I use water at 4,186 J / (KG-K) that gets me to 518 KG
(yes, there could be issues if it’s not baffled in some way)

Drop back to 12 hours and the numbers come down by 50%.
Swing the room 4C and they go up by 3X.
Control the box at 0.5C, they go up by 2X.

To me, they are into the crazy end of things.


> On Jan 17, 2023, at 5:30 PM, Poul-Henning Kamp <phk at phk.freebsd.dk> wrote:
> --------
> Bob Camp writes:
>> Ok, but do I need  > 800 L of the stuff ? 
> Forget your 250L of water, it is the wrong way to think about this problem!
> Here is a calculated example:
>   We want to house a HP5065, it dissipates 40 {W}
>   We build the box as a cube with sides 0.75 {m}.
>   Surface area = 6 * 0.75 {m} * 0.75 {m} = 3.375 {m²}
>   Aerated Concrete has a lambda of 0.14 {W/mK}, and thickness 0.05 {m}
>   Heat loss ("U value") of wall:  lambda / thickness = 0.14 {W/mK} / 0.05 {m} = 2.8 {W/m²K}
>   Multiply by surface area: 3.375 {m²} * 2.8 {W/m²K} = 9.45 {W/K}
>   Divide into power dispation: 40 {W} / 9.45 {W/K} = 4.23 {K}
> The inside of the box will be 4.23 Kelvin hotter than the outside. 
>   The density of Aerated concrete is 540 {kg/m³}
>   Volume of walls = 3.375 {m²} * 0.05 {m} = 0.168 {m³}
>   Weight of walls = 540 {kg/m³} * 0.168 {m³} = 91 {kg}
> Each of the 6 walls weigh around 15 {kg}, that's workable.
>   Thermal Capacity of Aerated concrete is 1 {kJ/kgK}
>   Thermal Capacity of walls = 91 {kg} * 1 {kJ/kgK} = 91 {kJ/K}
> /This/ is the number that matter:  The amount of energy it takes to change the temperature of the walls 1{K}.
> If we dive into algebra, we can now calculate how big a 24h temperature
> excursion on the outside it takes to meaningfully change the
> temperature of the inner walls in the box, but I'll leave that as
> an exercise for the reader.
> Instead we build the same box, but with 25mm EPS foam board:
>   lambda = 0.041 {W/mK} thickness 0.025 {m}
>   Heat loss ("U value") = 0.041 {W/mK} / 0.025 {m} = 1.64 {W/m²K}
>   Multiply by surface area: 3.375 {m²} * 1.64 {W/m²K} = 5.535 {W/K}
>   Divide into power disipation: 40 {W} / 5.535 {W/K} = 7.22 {K}
>   Density: 13 {kg/m³}
>   Weight of walls: 13 {kg/m³} * 3.375 {m²} * 0.025 {m} = 1.1 {kg}
>   Thermal Capacity of (E)PS: 1.3 {kJ/kgK}
>   Thermal Capacity of walls = 1.1 {kg} * 1.3 {kJ/kgK} = 1.43 {kJ/K}
> QED:
> It takes 63 times /more/ energy to change the temperature of the inner
> wall in the 50mm Aerated concrete box, than it does for the foam-box.
> /That/ is the "thermal impedance" we need to attenuate the diurnal
> and random temperature changes.
> ... and why we need algebra as soon as we introduce time :-/
> Note also that the temperature rise almost twice as much in
> the foam box than in the Aerated Concrete box.
> -- 
> Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
> phk at FreeBSD.ORG         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
> FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe    
> Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

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