[time-nuts] Residual Measurement on Keysight 53230A

Jim Muehlberg jmuehlbe at nrao.edu
Thu Jan 19 14:51:30 UTC 2023

Lincoln said that it was "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool 
than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."

OK, here we go..

In my quest to understand and make good use of the above mentioned 
counter, I've taken what I believe to be a residual measurement.  That 
is, taking the ref out and measuring it with itself.  I get different 
answers depending on the sample interval.  Is that what I should 
expect?  If I were a mathamagitian, I suppose it would be obvious from 
the ADEV equation, but I can't see it.  Am I setting up the counter 

The data sheet lists ADEV at 1s, which is 0.01ppb ( I have option 10 - 
high stability OCXO).  Not sure how to equate that to the ADEV plot. 
(1E-11?) And why do they only give that one point?

Maybe I should have been a "volt nut".  The math would be easier!

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