[time-nuts] Re: GPS receiver with reference clock input

Bob Camp kb8tq at n1k.org
Mon Jun 12 13:24:33 UTC 2023


Here’s a plot of NRCan data that *is* in the nanosecond range:


Hopefully it comes through.

There’s a couple of things on this plot. The first is that you can see the noise. It’s not a super smooth plot. The maser is running at < 1x10^-14, so the plot is pretty flat. 

The other interesting tidbit is the gap in the data right about 16:30. This happens to all The Trimble’s of this same type. It does not show up on other GPS devices. The device is a NetRS so it’s not exactly brand new. These gaps hit every day at about the same time. They have been happening for a month or two at this point.

Since the dropouts don’t seem to impact the timing, I haven’t really dug into what’s going on. 


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