[time-nuts] Re: timing lab, remote control

Thomas Abbott thomas at reversebiased.com
Fri Jan 12 23:11:25 UTC 2024

If wifi works for you - my go-to is also the ESP8266 or ESP32.
Don't start writing software for it - flash it with Tasmota, a mature,
stable platform for home automation. It has a fairly simple web interface,
NTP, timers, sensors, rules, scripting etc.
In a few minutes of web configuration, you'll have a board you can control
with something like   http://basementswitch/cmnd="power4 on"
Here's an example of an 8-relay board for $25
or search amazon for "8 relay esp8266" or "esp32 8 relay"
[image: image.png]
You flash the board straight from the web, probably with an "FTDI cable",
sometimes USB.
I find Tasmota pretty reliable, uptime is limited by the power supply, some
of mine are over 500 days. It's not fast, perhaps 0.25 s delay overall.
Weak wifi causes more delays.
With a little more configuration you could have the hardware in-to-out
feature, for example I have some light switches that trigger other ones,
etc, but for experiments, remote RF switches etc I just use the web page,
or telnet interface from my script.

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