[volt-nuts] HP3468A - Control ROM, slightly OT

Bill Gold wpgold3637 at att.net
Mon Aug 29 20:18:56 UTC 2011


    Commenting on the 14th amendment and the PHR 163.

    I am 71 and remember the "draft" or "conscription" into the military for all able bodied males.  Maybe you are just too young to have been affected by this but I always considered the draft as a violation of the 14th amendment.  But of course the draft had long since been "legislated" by the US Supreme Court.

    I did my 4 years of active hell on a ship off of North Vietnam, and 2 years of inactive waiting to be reactived during the so called Vietnam War.  Of course now we have a volunteer military for kids who can't get a job to be sent to Afghanistan and Iraq to get killed, or even messed up worse with physical and mental injuries that our past and present governments just don't seem to want to pay for because it will "increase the National Debt".

    Sorry for this being a little off topic.


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