[volt-nuts] Traveling Standards - pictures

Bob Smither smither at c-c-i.com
Tue Sep 6 18:59:29 UTC 2011

Fred Schneider wrote:
> Bob, Is it not better to let it age a bit befor it starts its journey
> ? I have build several standards a few months ago. I have not used
> them since but then I meaured them during two weeks or so and
> yesterday I put them on again. They still are not perfect stable. The
> short time drift took a day or two to get smaller but the long time
> drift still is not perfect. ( i am talking about 40-60 uV for a 1V
> and a 2.5 V standard.)
> Also test it mechanical. See if it reacts on shocks, temp differences
> ect.

Thanks Fred.  Both references (the LM119AH and the MAX6350) have several 
hundred hours on them.  I have left them on for all the time since I put 
together the first bread board.  When I was not working on them, they 
have been powered.  They will accumulate an additional hundred hours or 
so before I actually ship them.

I will do some mechanical tests as well.  The last thing I want to do is 
"cook" the TS for a day or so at perhaps 100C and then see what has changed.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Bob Smither, PhD                                 Circuit Concepts, Inc.
13th Amendment to the Constitution of the united States:

   "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for
crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist
within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2.a of Proposed House Resolution 163, 108th Congress:

   "It is the obligation of every citizen of the United States, and every
other person residing in the United States, who is between the ages of
18 and 26 to perform a period of national service ..."
Smither at C-C-I.Com       http://www.C-C-I.Com       281-331-2744(office)
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