[volt-nuts] HP3458A - comparison FW 8 vs. FW 9

Poul-Henning Kamp phk at phk.freebsd.dk
Sun Jan 19 11:21:57 EST 2014

In message <52DBEB8F.90705 at freenet.de>, Frank Stellmach writes:

>Compare firmware.bin and firmware_rev9.bin...
>Difference @ OFFSET 553
>File1 = 8
>File2 = 9

Version number of mainboard firmware

>Difference @ OFFSET 1FFFF
>File1 = AA
>File2 = AB

Checksum, low eprom, first pair

>Difference @ OFFSET 4E21C
>File1 = FD
>File2 = 1
>Difference @ OFFSET 4E21D
>File1 = 1C
>File2 = DC
>Difference @ OFFSET 4E223
>File1 = 8C
>File2 = 8D
>Difference @ OFFSET 4E224
>File1 = D1
>File2 = C1

This changes two limit values from a difference of 120000 to 245760,
in what I belive is a part of the selftest code.

>Difference @ OFFSET 5FFFC
>File1 = 2B
>File2 = 2A
>Difference @ OFFSET 5FFFD
>File1 = 79
>File2 = 7A

Checksum, high eprom, last pair

>Difference @ OFFSET 5FFFE
>File1 = B2
>File2 = A6
>Difference @ OFFSET 5FFFF
>File1 = 98
>File2 = 59

Checksum, low eprom, last pair

Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
phk at FreeBSD.ORG         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe    
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

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