Picked up a Pendulum 2804 (Possibly -B) Master Clock at a flea market.
Fault indicated on a label: Locks randomly at any frequency 10 MHz +/- 5 Hz.
Suspecting either OCXO or driving circuitry as the GPS data presented seems OK.
I have not been able to find any information whatsoever on the internet.
Pendulum has been owned by swedish an polish entreprenours althoughit seems that this instrument i manufactured by Pendulum UK as thereis a label inside with a +44 country code telephone number.
The OCXO is a RAKONCFPO-D03 51B S12 - Found data sheet for this type.
I suspect that the OCXO may be faulty as it right now, after warm-up is at9.999.995.78 Hz, but without being able to tell what the links on the PCBdoes or a schematic diagram it will be a bit difficult to find the fault.
Any one that has a manual in .PDF willing to share it?
Best Regards
Ulf KylenfallSM6GXV
Hej Ulf,
So, Pendulum was sold off at one time and was under the Spectracom. The
Rapco 2804 was probably rebranded as Pendulum there for a while, and was
not a design that came out of the Bälstabro design office and manufacturing.
Search for Rapco 2804 gives more info.
Harald bought the rights for Pendulum back, and they have now developed
a new counter that is released. They showed-cased that at the IFCS/EFTF
in Toyama, Japan. Unfortunately I did not have budget to attend that.
I can't recall that Pendulum ever had any manufacturing in UK. Sweden
and Poland, yes.
On 2023-05-28 20:58, Ulf Kylenfall via time-nuts wrote:
Picked up a Pendulum 2804 (Possibly -B) Master Clock at a flea market.
Fault indicated on a label: Locks randomly at any frequency 10 MHz +/- 5 Hz.
Suspecting either OCXO or driving circuitry as the GPS data presented seems OK.
I have not been able to find any information whatsoever on the internet.
Pendulum has been owned by swedish an polish entreprenours althoughit seems that this instrument i manufactured by Pendulum UK as thereis a label inside with a +44 country code telephone number.
The OCXO is a RAKONCFPO-D03 51B S12 - Found data sheet for this type.
I suspect that the OCXO may be faulty as it right now, after warm-up is at9.999.995.78 Hz, but without being able to tell what the links on the PCBdoes or a schematic diagram it will be a bit difficult to find the fault.
Any one that has a manual in .PDF willing to share it?
Best Regards
Ulf KylenfallSM6GXV
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Hi Ulf,
I have the user manual for the 2804. I've put it in my OneDrive for you to
get here:!AjsuQF29x5gy3GH2rcG5cv50DwAi?e=k3KWA2
Also the 1804 manual is here, in case anyone is looking for that.!AjsuQF29x5gy3GAhWEKBPvO8VEKI?e=FBhlOC
Let me know if you have a problem accessing it and I can email it to you
outside of the list.
On Sun, May 28, 2023 at 4:47 PM Ulf Kylenfall via time-nuts <> wrote:
Picked up a Pendulum 2804 (Possibly -B) Master Clock at a flea market.
Fault indicated on a label: Locks randomly at any frequency 10 MHz +/- 5
Suspecting either OCXO or driving circuitry as the GPS data presented
seems OK.
I have not been able to find any information whatsoever on the internet.
Pendulum has been owned by swedish an polish entreprenours althoughit
seems that this instrument i manufactured by Pendulum UK as thereis a label
inside with a +44 country code telephone number.
The OCXO is a RAKONCFPO-D03 51B S12 - Found data sheet for this type.
I suspect that the OCXO may be faulty as it right now, after warm-up is
at9.999.995.78 Hz, but without being able to tell what the links on the
PCBdoes or a schematic diagram it will be a bit difficult to find the fault.
Any one that has a manual in .PDF willing to share it?
Best Regards
Ulf KylenfallSM6GXV
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Lisa Perdue