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Pendulum 2804 Master Clock. Anyone that can provide documentation?

Ulf Kylenfall
Sun, May 28, 2023 6:58 PM

Picked up a Pendulum 2804 (Possibly -B)  Master Clock at a flea market.
Fault indicated on a label: Locks randomly at any frequency 10 MHz +/- 5 Hz.
Suspecting either OCXO or driving circuitry as the GPS data presented seems OK.
I have not been able to find any information whatsoever on the internet.
Pendulum has been owned by swedish an polish entreprenours althoughit seems that this instrument i manufactured by Pendulum UK as thereis a label inside with a +44 country code telephone number.
The OCXO is a RAKONCFPO-D03 51B S12 - Found data sheet for this type.
I suspect that the OCXO may be faulty as it right now, after warm-up is at9.999.995.78 Hz, but without being able to tell what the links on the PCBdoes or a schematic diagram it will be a bit difficult to find the fault.
Any one that has a manual in .PDF willing to share it?
Best Regards
Ulf KylenfallSM6GXV

Greetings, Picked up a Pendulum 2804 (Possibly -B)  Master Clock at a flea market. Fault indicated on a label: Locks randomly at any frequency 10 MHz +/- 5 Hz. Suspecting either OCXO or driving circuitry as the GPS data presented seems OK. I have not been able to find any information whatsoever on the internet. Pendulum has been owned by swedish an polish entreprenours althoughit seems that this instrument i manufactured by Pendulum UK as thereis a label inside with a +44 country code telephone number. The OCXO is a RAKONCFPO-D03 51B S12 - Found data sheet for this type. I suspect that the OCXO may be faulty as it right now, after warm-up is at9.999.995.78 Hz, but without being able to tell what the links on the PCBdoes or a schematic diagram it will be a bit difficult to find the fault. Any one that has a manual in .PDF willing to share it? Best Regards Ulf KylenfallSM6GXV
Magnus Danielson
Sun, May 28, 2023 8:58 PM

Hej Ulf,

So, Pendulum was sold off at one time and was under the Spectracom. The
Rapco 2804 was probably rebranded as Pendulum there for a while, and was
not a design that came out of the Bälstabro design office and manufacturing.

Search for Rapco 2804 gives more info.

Harald bought the rights for Pendulum back, and they have now developed
a new counter that is released. They showed-cased that at the IFCS/EFTF
in Toyama, Japan. Unfortunately I did not have budget to attend that.

I can't recall that Pendulum ever had any manufacturing in UK. Sweden
and Poland, yes.


On 2023-05-28 20:58, Ulf Kylenfall via time-nuts wrote:

Picked up a Pendulum 2804 (Possibly -B)  Master Clock at a flea market.
Fault indicated on a label: Locks randomly at any frequency 10 MHz +/- 5 Hz.
Suspecting either OCXO or driving circuitry as the GPS data presented seems OK.
I have not been able to find any information whatsoever on the internet.
Pendulum has been owned by swedish an polish entreprenours althoughit seems that this instrument i manufactured by Pendulum UK as thereis a label inside with a +44 country code telephone number.
The OCXO is a RAKONCFPO-D03 51B S12 - Found data sheet for this type.
I suspect that the OCXO may be faulty as it right now, after warm-up is at9.999.995.78 Hz, but without being able to tell what the links on the PCBdoes or a schematic diagram it will be a bit difficult to find the fault.
Any one that has a manual in .PDF willing to share it?
Best Regards
Ulf KylenfallSM6GXV

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@lists.febo.com
To unsubscribe send an email to time-nuts-leave@lists.febo.com

Hej Ulf, So, Pendulum was sold off at one time and was under the Spectracom. The Rapco 2804 was probably rebranded as Pendulum there for a while, and was not a design that came out of the Bälstabro design office and manufacturing. Search for Rapco 2804 gives more info. Harald bought the rights for Pendulum back, and they have now developed a new counter that is released. They showed-cased that at the IFCS/EFTF in Toyama, Japan. Unfortunately I did not have budget to attend that. I can't recall that Pendulum ever had any manufacturing in UK. Sweden and Poland, yes. Cheers, Magnus On 2023-05-28 20:58, Ulf Kylenfall via time-nuts wrote: > Greetings, > Picked up a Pendulum 2804 (Possibly -B)  Master Clock at a flea market. > Fault indicated on a label: Locks randomly at any frequency 10 MHz +/- 5 Hz. > Suspecting either OCXO or driving circuitry as the GPS data presented seems OK. > I have not been able to find any information whatsoever on the internet. > Pendulum has been owned by swedish an polish entreprenours althoughit seems that this instrument i manufactured by Pendulum UK as thereis a label inside with a +44 country code telephone number. > The OCXO is a RAKONCFPO-D03 51B S12 - Found data sheet for this type. > I suspect that the OCXO may be faulty as it right now, after warm-up is at9.999.995.78 Hz, but without being able to tell what the links on the PCBdoes or a schematic diagram it will be a bit difficult to find the fault. > Any one that has a manual in .PDF willing to share it? > Best Regards > Ulf KylenfallSM6GXV > > _______________________________________________ > time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@lists.febo.com > To unsubscribe send an email to time-nuts-leave@lists.febo.com
Lisa Perdue
Thu, Jun 1, 2023 5:37 PM

Hi Ulf,

I have the user manual for the 2804. I've put it in my OneDrive for you to
get here:


Also the 1804 manual is here, in case anyone is looking for that.


Let me know if you have a problem accessing it and I can email it to you
outside of the list.


On Sun, May 28, 2023 at 4:47 PM Ulf Kylenfall via time-nuts <
time-nuts@lists.febo.com> wrote:

Picked up a Pendulum 2804 (Possibly -B)  Master Clock at a flea market.
Fault indicated on a label: Locks randomly at any frequency 10 MHz +/- 5
Suspecting either OCXO or driving circuitry as the GPS data presented
seems OK.
I have not been able to find any information whatsoever on the internet.
Pendulum has been owned by swedish an polish entreprenours althoughit
seems that this instrument i manufactured by Pendulum UK as thereis a label
inside with a +44 country code telephone number.
The OCXO is a RAKONCFPO-D03 51B S12 - Found data sheet for this type.
I suspect that the OCXO may be faulty as it right now, after warm-up is
at9.999.995.78 Hz, but without being able to tell what the links on the
PCBdoes or a schematic diagram it will be a bit difficult to find the fault.
Any one that has a manual in .PDF willing to share it?
Best Regards
Ulf KylenfallSM6GXV

time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@lists.febo.com
To unsubscribe send an email to time-nuts-leave@lists.febo.com

Lisa Perdue

Hi Ulf, I have the user manual for the 2804. I've put it in my OneDrive for you to get here: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AjsuQF29x5gy3GH2rcG5cv50DwAi?e=k3KWA2 Also the 1804 manual is here, in case anyone is looking for that. https://1drv.ms/b/s!AjsuQF29x5gy3GAhWEKBPvO8VEKI?e=FBhlOC Let me know if you have a problem accessing it and I can email it to you outside of the list. Lisa On Sun, May 28, 2023 at 4:47 PM Ulf Kylenfall via time-nuts < time-nuts@lists.febo.com> wrote: > > Greetings, > Picked up a Pendulum 2804 (Possibly -B) Master Clock at a flea market. > Fault indicated on a label: Locks randomly at any frequency 10 MHz +/- 5 > Hz. > Suspecting either OCXO or driving circuitry as the GPS data presented > seems OK. > I have not been able to find any information whatsoever on the internet. > Pendulum has been owned by swedish an polish entreprenours althoughit > seems that this instrument i manufactured by Pendulum UK as thereis a label > inside with a +44 country code telephone number. > The OCXO is a RAKONCFPO-D03 51B S12 - Found data sheet for this type. > I suspect that the OCXO may be faulty as it right now, after warm-up is > at9.999.995.78 Hz, but without being able to tell what the links on the > PCBdoes or a schematic diagram it will be a bit difficult to find the fault. > Any one that has a manual in .PDF willing to share it? > Best Regards > Ulf KylenfallSM6GXV > > _______________________________________________ > time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@lists.febo.com > To unsubscribe send an email to time-nuts-leave@lists.febo.com -- Lisa Perdue