[time-nuts] Is my Cs C-Field set OK or do I need to take more data?

Tom Van Baak tvb at leapsecond.com
Sun Jan 9 22:14:42 EST 2005

> http://www.pacificsites.com/~brooke/pdf/sn1013_C-Field.pdf


You're on the right track. Nice data. If it were a fairly
straight line you'd be all set to change the C-field right
now. But you see things are rarely so simple. If it were
me I would wait until the correlation coefficient of the
plot gets closer to 1. An R^2 of 0.634, as your eye can
tell you, is not much of a fit

You could also wait until the hourly variations are
small compared to the overall trend. In this case it
looks like every hour or two the plot bounces around
by one or two divisions while the overall plot rises
about 5 divisions. I think if you wait until your noise
is 1/10 the trend you'll have more confidence in the

The character of the plot is also interesting. You see
it changing frequency, above and below the average,
a couple of times every few thousand seconds.

The slope of the segment from t=1000 to t=6000
is -60 ns / 6000 s or about = -1e-11 frequency.

The slope of the segment from t=12000 to t=17000
is +60 ns / 5000 s = +1.2e-11 frequency.


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