[time-nuts] need recomendation for a portable 10mhz reference oscilator

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Fri Dec 14 14:32:29 EST 2007

> There's just that minor problem with the snow melted by the E1938A.

That was mostly in jest, but on the other hand, if you want a stable 
temperature snow can be a useful tool.

It often comes in large quantities.  A E1938A isn't going to melt many cubic 
meters per day.

Snow is often a very good insulator.  Toss a couple of shovels full on top to 
avoid the sun or cold night sky.

I doubt if would useful for a long term solution, but it might work for a run 
that's only a week or two.

> Snow is stable at its transition temperature.  Below that, it varies
> with  the ambient temperature.  Snow temperatures in Greenland are
> often near -40  degrees.

Yup.  I was thinking of not-crazy temperatures where the unit you are trying 
to keep at a stable temperature would warm the snow up to melting.

I'm not sure what would happen if the ambient temperature is super cold.  
After a while you would have a big block of ice.  Ice conducts much better 
than snow.  I can't do the math, but I'll bet for a given ambient temperature 
(assuming an infinite block of ice) there is some amount of heat the unit 
would have to put out to keep its puddle from freezing.

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

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