[time-nuts] 60khz NTP Server?

GandalfG8 at aol.com GandalfG8 at aol.com
Fri Oct 19 04:17:31 EDT 2007

In a message dated 18/10/2007 22:49:06 GMT Daylight Time, kc0vsj at yahoo.com  

Does  anybody know of a product that is an NTP server
that gets its time source  from WWVB at 60khz? There
are lots of "Atomic Clocks" out there but I  haven't
seen one that does what I want.

If I had money I'd be  purchasing Symetricom
SyncServers (I don't) and a lot of locations  don't
have Internet.
Hi Tom
This is Galleon, just one example, I'm sure there's others. 

I've used the small battery operated serial port clocks from Galleon, MSF  
version, and discovered that the hardware in those came from HKW in  Germany
With their parts you might even build your own:-)


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