[time-nuts] Trinity Timing - How far we've come

Neon John jgd at johngsbbq.com
Wed Mar 12 08:27:12 EDT 2008

In this paper


you can read the detailed description (including schematics) of the high accuracy
timing system built to control the Manhattan Project's Trinity test - the first
nuclear device explosion.

This is an absolutely fascinating read.  It is stunning what they did with the
materials at hand and especially in the short time frame between when the Gadget was
fairly certain to work and the test explosion.

The site time reference standard was, for example, a 1khz tuning fork!  Yet they
managed to time certain critical events to better than 0.1 microsecond and do so
despite having to drive miles of transmission line.  Remarkable.

Incidentally, pretty much the entire non-classified Las Alamos online library is
available here.


Plan on spending a few weeks....  This is the status of the library as of shortly
before 9/11.  The cowards of 9/11 within the government yanked all this down
post-9/11 but fortunately many of us were busily hoovering the site so not much was

John De Armond
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Tellico Plains, Occupied TN
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Those who understand

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