[time-nuts] NMEA Checksums

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Wed May 28 03:49:39 EDT 2008

> When calculating the checksum for an NMEA message, are the commas
> taken into account or ignored? 

I'd expect that to be covered in the documentation that describes the details 
on the NMEA sentences the device supports.

I've got a couple Garmin pdfs.  Both have the same paragraph with all the 
details.  They are in no-copy mode so I won't copy them here.  It does say 
that any letters need to be upper case.

Some documentation gives examples..  You can get lots of examples from a real 
GPS unit and your favorite terminal program.  I've used them for debugging 

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

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