[time-nuts] Leap second glitches on NTP using Z3801A

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Mon Nov 17 03:21:42 UTC 2008

Is anybody running ntpd with their Z3801A?

If so, please check your log files and tell me if you see a bogus leap second 
at the end of the past several months.  I've seen them for Aug, Sep, and Oct. 
 I think they are coming from my Z3801A, but it might be something else.

The GPS satellites are now announcing a leap second that will happen at the 
end of the year.   The refclock driver passes that to ntpd and ntpd passes it 
to the kernel and magic happens.

I think the refclock-ntpd interface assumes the leap second will happen at 
the end of the current month.  NIST only announces leap seconds a month ahead 
on WWVB and ACTS.

The Oncore refclock driver has a filter to wait until the current month to 
pass the info to ntpd.  I'm working on something similar for the HP driver.

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