[time-nuts] HP 106B quartz frequency standard...the story so, far

christopher hoover ch at murgatroid.com
Sun Aug 9 03:28:51 UTC 2009

 >  The 2N1701 is a general purpose transistor rated at 60V, 2.5A.

I've mentioned this before, but it bears repeating.

If you are having trouble with an old school linear power supply, in 
many cases you can replace the TO-220 PNP pass transistor *and* the 
reguatlor circuit (based on a 723 or whatever) with a modern integrated 
regulator in TO-220 such as an LT1581.  Strip the regular board of 
everything except for the the input and output caps (if they are still 
good) and wire up a pair of resistors to set the voltage.   Add a couple 
of jumpers to complete the circuit.   And then you are good to go.


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