[time-nuts] Oncore UT+ and NTP configuration

Brendan Minish ei6iz.brendan at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 22:29:09 UTC 2010

Hello All

I have a little NTP server based on this project
it's running nanoBSD (FreeBSD 7.0-RC1) 
NTP ver  ntpd 4.2.0-a

GPS module is now an oncore UT+ 

I have had this device running happily for a couple of years with a GT
in NMEA mode but I am having issues with configuring the oncore driver,
it's not being used by NTP although ntpd now starts and does create the
SHMEM file in 

I can fiddle things by using a 'preferred' NTP server on the net for
coarse time and the elan pps driver for precision time but I would much
rather use the oncore driver directly 

I have done the following 

1/ symlinks in place,  (I have also tried linking oncore.pps.0
to /dev/cuad1 which seems more correct ?) 

lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel            9 Jan 21 22:09 oncore.pps.0 -> /dev/pps0
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel           10 Jan 21 22:09 oncore.serial.0 -> /dev/cuad1
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel           14 Jan 21 20:53 pps0 -> /dev/elan-mmcr

2/ /etc/ntp.oncore file created 

# cat /etc/ntp.oncore
LAT 53 50.45830
LON -9 22.413336
HT 102.44 M
SHMEM /var/log/oncore.0

3/ enabled the oncore driver in ntp.conf, relevant bits look like this,
I have tried with the elan PPS driver enabled then disabled, but it
should work ok with it on right? 

#Moto Oncore
server minpoll 4 maxpoll 4

# PPS Disabled for now  
#server minpoll 4 maxpoll 4
#fudge stratum 0    

What else am I forgetting to do, looking at my scope starting ntpd does
not appear to be initialising the oncore at start-up since I would then
expect it's PPS output to jump or move relative to my frequency

some suggestions would be most appreciated. 

Brendan EI6IZ 

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