[time-nuts] Test Equipment

Don Latham djl at montana.com
Fri Jan 22 07:12:51 UTC 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "paul swed" <paulswedb at gmail.com>
> Its unfortunate but there used to be flea markets with truckloads of test
> equipment.
> Very inexpensive power supplies and everything else. But much of that has
> gone to ebay.
> You still find a bargain now and again. But nothing like 5 years ago.

The dollar buys less than it did a mere 5 years ago; the flea market is a 
real market and there is a lot of stuff IMHO sitting on shelves unsold. ebay 
also has a lot of stuff in "stores" with absurd prices on it; it won't sell 
either. Eventually the prices will drop, I hope...


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