[time-nuts] DNA Decoder

Neville Michie namichie at gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 21:32:55 UTC 2010

DNA is a pattern for the synthesis of proteins.
Templates are made from the DNA and are used to
sequence the amino acids that form the proteins.
The proteins have the amazing range of properties
that cause the structures to form and life to work.
So DNA is the description of how to make the component, the  
components are proteins.
With only four amino acid bases, it is a little similar to
gates being built into complex digital integrated circuits.
There is no limit to the sophistication of an integrated circuit.

At least that is what I understand from chats with my research  
biochemist daughter.

cheers, Neville Michie

On 29/01/2010, at 6:56 AM, WarrenS wrote:

> Another really Off topic subject, for the serious thinkers in this  
> group.
> Evolution Over TIME
> Easy enough for one to imagine how evolution, using DNA mistakes  
> etc. and given enough time and random luck,
> could change pond scum, a little at a time, into higher life forms  
> with their complex systems.
> Especially if it is true that our DNA is still about 50% the same  
> as pond scum.
> The thing that I've never seen explained or even talked about is  
> what about the DNA Decoder?
> It would seem from the little known about how DNA does its job,
> that the DNA Decoder itself is changing and evolving very little,  
> or if it is changing, It has amazingly backward compatibility.
> So why was it necessary way back when there was nothing higher than  
> pond scum (or even before ANY scum),
> to already have a DNA decoder that had the possibility to be able  
> to decode future blue colored eyes etc.
> Or more to the point how does the DNA decoder work and where did it  
> come from and what are its limits???
> The current DNA decoder seems to be capable of Goat spider silk and  
> other pretty amazing things,  So
> Have to wonder if the DNA decoder can also make superman x-ray eyes  
> and StarTrek like higher life forms?
> ws
> *****************
>> But may not always be that way. Already China is trying to steal  
>> the USA's God given global Oil, Air & water to help its own people.
>>> No, the blind spot is making a big issue out of population control
>>> in countries where the environmental footprint per person is  
>>> virtually
>>> nil essential zero, in order to obscure the fact that approx 1% of
>>> the population of the planet is responsible for 99.99% of our
>>> problems, environmental or otherwise.
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