[time-nuts] More from the obsolete gps file: oncore nmea

SAIDJACK at aol.com SAIDJACK at aol.com
Tue Jun 1 02:57:05 UTC 2010

The FAA may not care, but a 4 pound chunk of metal being hit by a plane  
travelling 400KM/H or more will take out the pilot, and likely cause a small  
plane to crash. If a 747 is hit in the right spot, even that may come  down..
Single engine aircraft windshields are tested to withstand 2lb birds  or 
less. A 4 pound bird will already go through the windshield, even at medium  
speeds at low altitudes, I know someone who this happened to.
In a message dated 5/31/2010 03:01:41 Pacific Daylight Time,  
hmurray at megapathdsl.net writes:

Do you  let it run continuously or do you do something to save power?

What's  the total payload weight?   One of the people I talked to at  
Maker-Faire said the FAA doesn't care if it's under 4  pounds.

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