[time-nuts] iCruze displays (was ko4bb monitor)

EB4APL eb4apl at cembreros.jazztel.es
Fri Mar 12 20:52:09 UTC 2010

This is about the recycled displays that fluke.l used to implement his 
version of the KO4BB Thunderbolt monitor and he sells on eBay.

I bought some of these iCruze surplus displays because I think that are 
a good gadget for a variety of projects, since they include, among the 
20 x 2 line back lit display, a nice cabinet  and  a good looking 
bezel.   My plan was to remove (or exchange) the  pcb with the 
microprocessor and keep only the display itself and the cabinet, more or 
less as Bob (fluke.l) did.
Anyway I tried to know more about the original circuitry, because it 
could be useful.  Imagine if this is something like a serial ASCII 
terminal.  So I did some reverse engineering, found a signal leaving the 
device and now I got the schematics.
It seems to communicate with I2C, but I'm not sure, it needs some 
experimentation by someone used to this protocol.
Some members of this list already had bought several units and asked me 
about the information, so I want to know a good place to upload if it 
can be of interest to mere members, or I can send it directly to the 
ones that has asked for it.

Ignacio, EB4APL

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