[time-nuts] Frequency comparrison

EWKehren at aol.com EWKehren at aol.com
Sat Nov 13 20:24:29 UTC 2010

I agree with Magnus Dual Mixer is the best way to go. That is why over a  
year ago I set out to develop a system that with counter can be realized for  
$200. I did reach that goal and Corby tested the first pass and the second 
pass  with 1 E-13 results. He used his SRS counter. Richard who wrote the 
code for the  five PIC's has tested the counter. What is missing some one 
testing the two  combined. I have a total of seven systems out there some on the 
condition that  they get on it with in two weeks. Sad to say it has not 
happened. I just send  out an other kit this week, maybe we will have more luck 
this time. Once a total  test has been done the third set of boards will be 
ordered and once tested made  available for any one. It measures frequency 
difference and Allan Variance with  a resolution 1E-15 the five channel 
counter runs off USB power and all is needed  is along with the reference is a 
one or ten Hz offset OCXO. 
I will not mention any names but I would like to remind you what  you 
promised the rest would appreciate the availability of a unit that everybody  can 
build and will be affordable.
Attached is the picture of the second pass with HP 10514 Mixer  courtesy of 
Corby. There are only two SMD components!
PS I did send it with a picture attached with 113.3 K hoping my text  would 
not take up space but some how it ended up 160K and is on hold. I will try  
again send only picture!
Bert Kehren

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