[time-nuts] 60 KHz Receiver

Chuck Harris cfharris at erols.com
Tue Oct 5 04:16:29 UTC 2010

Uhmmm.... There is this station called WWV that does just that on
at least 5, 10 and 15MHz.

And if you are worried about it being broadcast by the US government,
you can always try CHU in Canada.

And if you are worried about the station being in North America,
there are time stations in virtually every corner of the world.

-Chuck Harris

Heathkid wrote:
> Doesn't someone on here with a Ham license have a Cs standard and
> "could" put up a 1pps signal? Simply transmit your callsign within the
> 1pps (there has to be a way) and we have a non-Govt. time standard "if
> needed". A simple 1pps PSK-31 (or other digital mode) signal would
> probably work and be completely legal. Let's do this on our own and not
> rely on Govt. or GPS... Several throughout the world acting together
> (I'm not a programmer so someone could step up and figure out the
> logistics for a receiver) and we would have an alternative to GPS
> (IF/when it stops working).

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