[time-nuts] More 60Hz graphs

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Tue Jul 12 22:36:59 UTC 2011

There is no cycle glitch here, but the frequency changed enough to attract my 

The system I'm collecting data on has good but not great time.  It's running 
ntpd, but getting time over the a DSL link rather than from a local GPSDO.  
It's generally within a few ms and occasionally off by 10s of ms.  That's 
mostly in the fraction of a cycle range so I didn't worry about it.

There is one case where it gets confused.  If I download a huge file (whole 
CD), the asymmetric load and long queuing delays on the DSL link confuses 
ntpd if it keeps up long enough.  Here is an example:
The first step is is the confusion.  The other two are recovery.

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

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