[time-nuts] 5MHz x 10MHz

Magnus Danielson magnus at rubidium.dyndns.org
Fri Aug 2 13:57:16 EDT 2013

Hi Euclides,

On 02/08/13 18:31, Euclides Chuma wrote:
> Hi,
> Why any equipments use 5 MHz and others use 10 MHz reference standard?

There are some benefits (traditionally) in using 5 MHz over 10 MHz, but 
10 MHz have become a common standard. The actual frequency isn't really 
magic, but 5 MHz and multiples became somewhat standard in the old MIL 
STD 188 for time-keeping, and it fit fairly well with what was already 
in use. There are folks here that can correct me on massive details.

Today 10 MHz is more common because, well, engineers then to be 
following habits, and 10 MHz "sounds nice". I use 10 MHz mainly because 
the application requires it, otherwise I use whatever frequency fits my 
other needs, or what becomes easy to source.

PS. Have not seen you post before, so welcome to time-nuts!


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