[time-nuts] LPRO questions...

Magnus Danielson magnus at rubidium.dyndns.org
Thu Aug 29 13:22:21 EDT 2013

Hi Alan,

On 08/29/2013 04:24 PM, Alan Kamrowski II wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got an LPRO and my Rb lamp voltage is 3.5608V.  I've read about bulb
> rejuvenation.  I've looked through some of the repair manuals, but still
> have a few questions.
> #1 - how do you remove the cover?  Is it just press fit into place?  I see
> dimples on it and I wonder can I just pry the case of slowly without bending
> it to open it?
It's a press-fit. Once you removed the screws at the contact, gently
push it open.
Since it is mu-metal shield, you dont want to upset it too much, or it
will loose it's shielding properties for DC magnetics.
> #2 - I may have to open it anyway for a different reason - should I try to
> rejuvenate my lamp while it is open given the lamp voltage I have.
> #3 - If I should try it, how do you get the lamp out?  I see what looks like
> a hex nut in photos - do you untwist this nut and the bulb comes out with
> it?
You should be able to do it that way yes. I haven't had a reason to try it.
> #4 - The heat gun technique -if I make an adapter to hold the bulb in a
> drill or something that can spin it while applying the heat, is this a good
> plan?
Just fixture it and make the wet drop end sit at the high point. That
way whatever metal you heat up will cool of in the top of the glass
lamp, which is where you want it.
> #5 - I see the xtal voltage mentioned (mine says 4.4672V) - what exactly is
> this?
There is a VCXO in there, so this is the EFC voltage to it.
> Thanks for your help and advice!
Enjoy your LPRO!


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