[time-nuts] GPS Patch Antenna Electrode Tarnish

Attila Kinali attila at kinali.ch
Sat Jan 12 07:56:03 UTC 2013

On Fri, 11 Jan 2013 01:25:55 -0800
Hal Murray <hmurray at megapathdsl.net> wrote:

> How much of the crap on exposed silver is oxide vs sulfide?

Given the very low amount of sulfur and sulfur compounts in the
air, i'd say you've mostly silver oxide. 

If you are living in an area with heavy traffic though, things look
a bit different. Gas contains a quite amount of sulfur and with burning
you get some quite reactive compounts. It got a lot better (at least here
in europe) after gas had to be desulfurized, but probably not yet perfect.

			Attila Kinali

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         -- Po, Kung Fu Panda

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