[time-nuts] New NTBW50AA

quartz55 quartz55 at hughes.net
Wed Sep 11 21:48:16 EDT 2013

I ordered a couple of the temp chips, but it's going to be low on the list of priorities.

Tomorrow I'll add another 30' of cable and mount the antenna on the kitchen vent which is right on the south end of the house above the deck, lower but southeast from the beams by 25' or so.  I think that's about as good as I can do unless I put up a tower to get above everything and that's not going to happen.

I broke a chip inductor in the TS-2000 trying to install the XRef today, so I have to wait a few days until I get some new parts in.  I can do a 24 hour precision survey in the meantime.  I had to get the headband magnifier out to work on this thing, the board is only 1.25" x 0 .4".  The chip inductor I broke is only about a 2mm cube.  I got it off the 2000 board OK, I broke the track off the chip trying to solder a wire on one end.  Next time I'm going to solder it and then glue it.

I've got about 2 acres of grass to cut and need to put the sickle bar on the JD and go out and kill a few stink bugs in this heat.


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