[time-nuts] 5 to 10 MHz Quadrature Driven Mixer Doubler

Mike Monett timenuts at binsamp.e4ward.com
Thu Nov 20 05:42:48 EST 2014

>I have received permission to distribute copies
>of my QEX article on this subject from ARRL. In
>addition to the article I will include full size schematics
>and color photos of the various assemblies. The
>design includes an adjustable 10 MHz output amplifier for driving
>50 OHM loads. If interested please email me off list
>at johncroos at aol.com
>I will wait a few days and then mail a complete package
>to all requestors.
>Best regards to all - 73 john k6iql

Hi John,

I tried sending you an email requesting a copy, but it bounced due to a
DMARC failure. Here is the bounce message:

The following message to <johncroos at aol.com> was undeliverable.
The reason for the problem:
5.3.0 - Other mail system problem 521-'5.2.1 : (DMARC) This message failed=
DMARC Evaluation and is being refused due to provided DMARC Policy'

I do not know how to make a properly formatted DMARC email message, so I
post the results here and hope it gets through. If it does, please include
me in your copy list.

You may find others are having similar problems contacting you. AOL seems
to be one of the few organizations that pay any attention to DMARC. This
format can cause bounce problems with other email handlers, but you may
never find out if you never receive the emails.

You may consider getting another email server outside of AOL if you find
you are having problems. If you do get another server and want to test it,
just send me an email. If you get my reply, then it is working.


Mike Monett

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