[time-nuts] Minicircuits specs

Thomas S. Knutsen la3pna at gmail.com
Sat Nov 29 13:08:58 EST 2014

2014-11-29 16:24 GMT+01:00 Dave M <dgminala at mediacombb.net>:

> Yeah, that's a good way to completely avoid the issue.  Since I'm the only
> target audience for my efforts, then I don't mind the extra components.
> I'm beginning to realize, as I get deeper into building my own stuff, that
> a VNA is quite a desireable piece of equipment.  Unfortunately, I'll have
> to make use of my spectrum analyzer and RLC meters instead.
Going a bit off topic, but there are decent VNA's avaible for an fair
price. There is the N2PK VNA thats avaible as an board + digikey partlist
and gives a 120dB dynamic range VNA from 10KHz to 50MHz, or there are the
VNWA avaible ready buildt from the UK with 70-80dB dynamic range to 1.3GHz.
Those are the ones I know that have true phase reading and can solve for
the sign of the phase.

Of course there are older HP or R&S boxes, and probably others as well, and
by shopping around one can get decent gear at a fair price, but with some
added complexity of doing the measurments.
Having an VNA helps doing measurments, but a lot of cool things can be done
with a spectrum analyzer, adding a simple return loss bridge makes that
into an quite decent scalar VNA.

Brr. (its probably cold up here in the north :)
Thomas LA3PNA.


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