[time-nuts] FYI: 2x HP-5370B in San Diego area on GovernmentLiquidation.com

ziggy9+time-nuts at pumpkinbrook.com ziggy9+time-nuts at pumpkinbrook.com
Fri Jan 23 14:51:07 EST 2015

Stumbled on these a day ago, and for logistics reasons it makes no sense
for me to bid on them. There may be those of you in southern CA (San
Diego area) that may wish to do so however, and 5370Bs are popular on the
list so I thought I would mention it. They appear to be in decent
physical condition.

This message requires no reply -I know nothing about these units or the
procurement process through governmentliquidation.com, etc. It's just a
'hey, in case you're interested' message. It would be better that these
get snapped up by someone who will use them than they go to scrap.

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