[time-nuts] potential source for cheap copy of labview

Bob Camp kb8tq at n1k.org
Sat Jun 20 21:05:24 EDT 2015


It’s almost enough to get one to sign up for a course at the local college every decade or so, just to be able
to legitimately get student copies of some of this stuff.


That said, a lot of these companies do quite a bit to support education. I’ve seen them toss out a *lot* of licenses
for student training. That goes both at the university level and at the high school level. I would be very careful of
any actions that might impact those efforts. 

Yes they expect that the kids will be ecstatic about their product and take it on to what ever job they get. At least 
the ones I’ve worked with are no happier about how some of this stuff works than any of the rest of us ….(….. and 
no, I’m not talking specifically about any of the programs that we’ve discussed so far ….). The kids *do* learn
 a lot in the process and that is well worth it. 


Given that a lot of this time stuff is fairly code intensive. It would be very nice if something like the NI suite worked
well enough for us to build up an inventory of libraries. There are a lot of people writing and re-writing the same stuff
over and over again. Having a common platform that we all could use would be neat. Now to get them to extend the
home bundle to OS-X and Linux ….


> On Jun 20, 2015, at 6:03 PM, Dave Daniel <kc0wjn at gmail.com> wrote:
> I wish the MathWorks would resume that practice. Back in the late 90s they would sell one licenses for MatLab and SimuLink for an affordable price if one singed an agreement that restricted one to personal (specifically, non-commercial) use. My copy from back then is so old that it won't run on Windows 7.
> DaveD
> On 6/19/2015 9:18 PM, Bob kb8tq wrote:
>> Hi
>> It is interesting as you go through the various student and home versions, just how
>> hard it is to figure out what you are (and are not) buying in each case. One example
>> would be the inclusion (or not) of GPIB capability. One would *assume* it’s in there and
>> fully functional. At lest for me it’s a “must have” item on the check list.
>> If anybody comes across a deep dive on what is / is not in each package, I’d
>> certainly like to see it.
>> Bob
>>> On Jun 19, 2015, at 1:40 PM, Eric Garner <garnere at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> National Instruments (and may other vendors of software) has apparently
>>> cottoned on to the fact that if they don't start catering to the "Maker"
>>> market (I hate that term) that they will get left behind. In that spirit
>>> they have released a non-commercial licence of labview.
>>> you can learn more about it here:
>>> https://www.labviewmakerhub.com/
>>> I mention it on this list since many of us would like to use labview in our
>>> home labs but haven't been willing to shell out for the exorbitant price.
>>> I'm currently using one of the  spare licences from work to to labview
>>> stuff at home, but i'd be willing to shell out the $49 to see what it got
>>> me. I'm sending this out in the spirit of information, I'd rather not have
>>> this devolve into the "labview sucks" sort of discussion that often comes
>>> up with it's mention.
>>> I haven't explored it much, but wanted to send it out.
>>> -- 
>>> --Eric
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