[time-nuts] Did anyone grab an extra Novatel GPS?

J. Grizzard elfchief-timenuts at lupine.org
Tue Dec 12 14:05:36 EST 2017

A couple months back, Gregory posted a heads-up that there were some 
pretty cheap Novatel dual-frequency GPSses on eBay (thanks, btw!). I 
managed to get one of these ('make an offer' for $450) and ... it's 
actually pretty nice. Not only a decent GPS, and dual-frequency, but the 
included antenna is one of the standard antennas that has a formal 
calibration done for it, and thus has accurate ATX files available 
(which is awesome for doing PPP post-processing).

In fact, they're nice enough that I really wish I'd gotten more than 
one. Sadly, the lot from the seller sold out before I was able to 
actually do much with the unit I bought, so I can't get more that way. :(

So I thought I'd ask here -- did anyone grab extras of these that they 
don't necessarily want, that they'd be willing to send my way for a 
similar price? I'd love to be able to get at least one more of these. 
It's a long shot, but can't hurt to ask, right?

Related: I'm working on a breakout board for the actual GPS board (not 
the whole SPAN-CPT, but the smaller GPS board inside) to make it easier 
to get at the serial, USB, and ethernet (yay!) functionality of the 
board. I'll post here once I actually have something that works.


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