[time-nuts] HP5090A Off Air Standard Receiver

GandalfG8 at aol.com GandalfG8 at aol.com
Mon Jun 19 10:13:38 EDT 2017

I'm sure there's various ways of doing it, a phase locked oscillator  
perhaps, dividing 10MHz by 50, or perhaps my preferred lazy method of  dividing 
800KHz by 4:-)
It really doesn't really matter all that much, the  initial comment was 
just that it might be better to provide a 200KHz  signal from an alternative 
source rather than attempt to modify the 5090 to  accept 198KHz and the 
implementation itself should be quite  straightforward.
Nigel, GM8PZR
In a message dated 19/06/2017 14:46:59 GMT Summer Time, cjaysharp at gmail.com 

If it's just locking to the carrier I wonder if it'd be possible  to use a 
suitably modified PICDiv clocked from a 'standard' 10MHz GPS locked  device 
like the Lucent?

On 19 June 2017 at 14:19, GandalfG8--- via time-nuts  <time-nuts at febo.com> 

I  suppose a converter from 198KHz could be an option but I know of at
least  one other experimenter who's run into problems with the  Teleswitch
modulation on the Droitwich signal when trying something  similar with a  

Although, from one point of view, running  it from the present 198KHz
signal might be considered the ultimate goal  it's the operation of the  
itself that's of more interest  to me in this instance, so I'm  quite happy
just to feed it with an  accurate 200KHz signal from  whatever other sources
are  available.

Nigel, GM8PZR

How about building a frequency  converter to produce 200KHz; mixing  the
incoming RF (198KHz) with  2KHz derived from the output of the  unit,

On 18/06/2017 21:17,  GandalfG8--- via time-nuts wrote:
> Hi  Pete
That's quite good  timing, if you'll pardon the expression:-), as I
uploaded  a pdf  version of the 5090A manual to mediafire a couple of  
I  know a few others have considered converting the 5090A to 198KHz  but
it's  not straightforward and I believe the general consensus  has been that
it's  not  really worth the effort.
I have a  5090B which I'm hoping  to get up and running when it  finally
reaches the top of the to do list and my  view is that it  would be much 
to leave the original electronics  undisturbed  and to drive it with a  200
KHz signal divided down from a  from  a GPSDO or a rubidium  module, 
having one of the  latter already  running at 800KHz  does leave me a  bit
Nigel,   GM8PZR
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