[time-nuts] Re: local WWVB ?

Attila Kinali attila at kinali.ch
Sat Dec 11 13:43:16 UTC 2021

On Fri, 10 Dec 2021 15:54:55 -0500
"Lawrence Brandt" <lawrence.brandt at gmail.com> wrote:

> Has anyone designed and/or sold a "WWVB repeater" device? I can picture a
> Raspberry Pi which had software to get NTP data or GPS-referenced time, and
> a small 60 kHz transmitter, which would send the proper WWVB timecode data
> to the several "atomic clocks" I have around the house.

Today, with all the non-licensed wireless stuff we have as
gadgets, it doesn't seem to be as obvious as it once was, but:
Transmitting on a frequency you don't have the explicit license
for is forbidden. And there are some quite hefty fines for that.
Especially transmitting on a widely used frequency of an
infrastructure service like WWVB might not be looked kindly upon.

If you want to lock WWVB clocks that are placed somewhere, where
the reception is not good enough. Then you should inject the signal
directly into the clock. This way you avoid transmitting.

Alternatively, replace the electronics with some 802.15.4 system
(e.g., 6LowPan) and distribute time in this network. There are
plenty of developer boards available for this kind of stuff,
just check adafruit and sparkfun.

			Attila Kinali
The driving force behind research is the question: "Why?"
There are things we don't understand and things we always 
wonder about. And that's why we do research.
		-- Kobayashi Makoto

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