[time-nuts] Dense pressure data of the last 24h and the next 48h

gandalfg8 at aol.com gandalfg8 at aol.com
Thu Jan 20 22:59:22 UTC 2022

I was aware of the Tonga erruption, although not generally into seismology, but wonder if this might

be of interest.....


A project to add computer demodulation to a variety of commercial receivers/transceivers eventually morphed

into an ongoing investigation into the effects of earthquakes etc on RF propogation, and the use of the latter to

identify such events.

Still not my scene, but interesting results.

Nigel, GM8PZR

PS, formatting of this email here looks rubbish, so apologies in advance if it arrives as such:-)

Not really a time-nuts thing, but sciency, still:

You might have heard by now, that yesterday around 4:26 UTC there was a massive

volcanic eruption in Tonga. Big enough to be visible on my barometric measurements

all around the globe. 

The primary peak is nicely visible, but the secondary from the shock-wave going the

other way around, about 7h later is quite a bit smaller. Now I would like to lift

this out of the noise and thus I am looking for some more barometric data recorded

in Europe. I can't be the only one who does record that every minute, am I? ;-)

Especially, I would like to capture when the shock-wave comes around the earth a

second time, which will be probably burried in the daily fluctuations we have.

Attila Kinali

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