[volt-nuts] Way OT [WAS: do you like Labview in your labs?]

Marvin E. Gozum marvin.gozum at jefferson.edu
Tue Dec 7 13:17:04 UTC 2010

That's the locally famous former Wanamaker organ and store, now 
Macys.  It works because folks are there to lollygag and shop, open 
to suggestion, and its a known location for live classical organ 
music for over a century.

If you are open to something, your sense of value will strike as soon 
as something of value fell on your lap, software included.

I have strongest doubts on spontaneity just as the Bell subway 
example was already biased for being suboptimal; 650 choir members 
meeting in a lobby on Saturday can't be there to just shop; Macys 
exists in so many more accessible suburbs; Philadelphia is notorious 
for parking issues.  The video quality is too good compared to 
"spontaneous" ones via cellphone video, to suggest that was planned 
from the start; aka, marketing.  5,000,000 views is ~ a number 
watching wrestling on TV and running a paid spot for Macys.


I think something that is less intellectual will stop a crowd: If 
Starbucks set up a booth with free food, coffee, during morning rush 
hour, will almost certainly create a stir than Mr. Bell.

Likewise in software, for users, neither open source or closed source 
matters, what matters is it works and its easier to maintain over 
time, if needed.

At 11:28 PM 12/6/2010, J. Forster wrote:
>You make a good point. People are busy with their own stuff. I would have
>walked right by the guy too. I always got annoyed with panhandlers. Even
>remarkable things like in this YouTube link get old very quickly, IMO.

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