[volt-nuts] Solartron 7081 Calibration Update

gsteinba52 at aol.com gsteinba52 at aol.com
Sun Nov 13 16:56:13 UTC 2011

      Hi Joe,

Please keep us in the loop for this continuing story. Free (!) Repair/Cal, eh - maybe I should send my unit in before they figure things out...

What sort of environment do you have. Most gear, and particularly one at this performance level, is cal'ed at a specific ambient temperature/humidity. If you're using it as a transfer standard you should take this into account.

 Message: 1 
 Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2011 22:25:06 -0600 
 From: "J. L. Trantham" <jltran at att.net> 
 To: "'Discussion of precise voltage measurement'" <volt-nuts at febo.com> 
 Subject: [volt-nuts] Solartron 7081 Calibration Update 
 Message-ID: <20E160D1FE004171B107EA1F7C4D2684 at S0028384766> 
 Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="US-ASCII" 
 Having shipped my 7081 to AMETEK in Oak Ridge, TN, on Thursday September 29, 
 it returned Friday November 11, having completed it's trip to England and 
 back.  It survived the trip without incident, left via FedEx and returned 
 via UPS. 
 The 'AS FOUND' was within spec except for the 1000 Kohm range (119% of Tol) 
 and the 100V and 1000V DC ranges (223% and 113% of Tol respectively). 
 Battery B1 was replaced (B401 had been replaced recently) along with three 1 
 K resistors and the front connector which was a problem to begin with. 
 Also, the front panel where the connector and CAL switch are located was 
 either replaced or redone.  It was a bit scratched up when it left but is 
 pristine now.  The 'AS LEFT' errors were typically single digit % of TOL 
 though the 1 V AC @ 100 kHz was 54% of Tol. 
 When it returned, I removed the 'CAL Sticker' over the CAL switch, put it in 
 the CAL position and downloaded the CAL DUMP.  The numbers are different 
 from what I found before I sent it for calibration, as expected, but the 
 Zener Current Token Value was the same at 081.  I suspect that this means 
 that the reference is now 'stable'.  The 10.000000 V 'REFERENCE' was found 
 at 9.999856 V (72% of TOL) and was left at 9.999993 V (16% of TOL). 
 I used the 7081 to measure my 'standards' then used that data to calibrate 
 my 3458A.  I then archived the DS1220Y 'CALRAM' data from the 3458A.  Next 
 on the agenda will be sending the 3458A to Agilent for calibration. 
 Somewhere in there, I am going to have to learn to 'read' the data from the 
 3458A via HPIB. 
 So far the repair and calibration were free.  I haven't seen a charge on the 
 AmExp card yet.  The quoted price was $900 for calibration and alignment. 
 Battery replacement, repairs, and connector will be extra, not to mention 
 the shipping. 
 volt-nuts mailing list 
 volt-nuts at febo.com 
 End of volt-nuts Digest, Vol 27, Issue 18 

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