[volt-nuts] Voltage Reference.

Dan Kemppainen dan at irtelemetrics.com
Fri Oct 31 15:09:08 EDT 2014

Hi All,

I'm working on something that requires a stable voltage reference.
Long term stability isn't needed, but good thermal stability is. In
other words it would be nice to have sub ppm/C temperature, but a few
ppm/month or even per day isn't an issue.

Anyway, it got me thinking about building a reference for fun, with some
of the newer IC's available, but doing so in an ovenized housing.
I know the LM399's and LTZ1000's are out there, but has anyone looked at
any of the newer IC's out there?

For example this one seems to have pretty good ppm/C drift:
However it's not cheap.

And this one looks pretty good for the sub $10 price.
This is the one I was thinking about parking in an oven. It has a
turnover around 70C.

Has anyone played with inexpensive reference chips, and tried to make a
good reference out of them? Any thoughts or comments welcome!


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