[volt-nuts] nA advice

Andrea Baldoni erm191ba3 at ermione.com
Sun Nov 15 14:41:30 EST 2015

On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 01:56:19PM -0500, Charles Steinmetz wrote:

> Rob wrote:
> >50V across 5GOhm is 10nA. Put a standard multimeter's 10MOhm input in
> >series and
> >you have 10mV per nA reading. Anything below 100mV is pass.

Yes, Rob. I late also thought about it that way while answering to Todd.
In effect I wasn't used to think to DMM the way it was for galvanometers :)

> Also, quite a few of the Fluke portable and handheld DMMs from the last 35
> years or so (including the faithful old 8050A and the "80-series" DMMs)
> measure conductance (1/R) with a resolution down to 0.01nS (= 100G ohm).
> There are lots of them with this capability on the used market for $10 and
> up, and several are still available new (but not for less than Eu100, to my
> knowledge).

Charles, I own two new generation fluke portables (one is a 177 and the
other is the cheap 15B) and no one has this characteristic anymore, who knows
why, but it's very interesting. According to


the new multimeters with conductance measure are 87V and 189. No one fits the
100 EUR range by far, but I can buy an used 80-series one, they are very
cheap and I can bring them on the field while I would like to let the 34401A
in the lab. I saw the 8060A resultion is only 0.1nS; I cannot find the specs of
the 8050A (neither the user's manual). Which one do you suggest?

Best regards,
Andrea Baldoni

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