[volt-nuts] Load Testing a PSU

Stan, W1LE stanw1le at verizon.net
Tue May 17 12:47:20 EDT 2016

Hello The Net:

Every test bench needs an assortment of current shunts.
Some of mine are: 100 Amps will give a 50 millivolt drop across it at 
100A load..
     Another is a 50 Amp shunt that gives 50 millivolts across it when 
loaded to 50A.

Then use a DVM to measure the voltage drop.

Also have a FLUKE current probe "clamp on" using a Hall effect 
technique, to measure AC and DC current.

A Ebay search should give some cost effective results for a current 
shunt, just for an idea.

Stan, W1LE    Cape Cod   FN41sr


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