[time-nuts] GPS Elevation Mask Values.

Dan Kemppainen dan at irtelemetrics.com
Mon Nov 8 23:51:52 UTC 2021

Hi All,

So after a rather long delay, I've managed to get an ebay import dual 
band GPS antenna in the air. The antenna has good sky view in almost 360 
degrees azimuth to just about near the horizon. Running a survey on a 
GPSDO now (Single band 6T Ublox Based chipset). Also letting Lady 
Heather run for a while plotting the signal strength 'graph'. (See 

Given the attached Signal strength vs. az/el, what would be the 
recommended elevation mask for GPS units?

Obviously, the birds down near the horizon are sending signal through a 
lot of atmosphere. The ones over the north pole are probably not doing 
much either. In the last 24 hours there averages 8 to 11 birds used for 
navigation, so plenty enough to keep a GPSDO running.

Any rules of thumb, or recommendations for the a 'sweet spot' when there 
is a good sky view available?


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