[volt-nuts] MREAD 3458A

Dr. Frank Stellmach drfrank.stellmach at freenet.de
Thu Aug 26 19:54:35 UTC 2010

  " So I would recommend you make a backup of the CALRAM with the MREAD

command (I described how to in a post some time back) and let your
batteries run out.

If like me, you keep the meter powered, it may never happen.



as far as I remember your recent post, you were not able to read all memory locations by MREAD,
but instead desoldered the NVRAMs and transferred their content by an EPROM Programmer?!

Or did you find a way in the meantime to fully extract the content by MREAD?

I fear to desolder the NVRAMs on my 3458A and destroy the content, before I could read it on a programmer.


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